As Christians we know from 2 Timothy 1:7, that we have been given the spirit of power, love and of self discipline. Yet how many have had this spirit to follow God’s encouragements in Hebrews 10 in our actions for one another and with one another? It appears that many are more fearful of state mandates than are inspired to trust God. Fear causing us not to meet as churches for worship and to serve. Power, love and self discipline should be our inspiration to trust God and exercise our constitutional rights to gather and worship as Christ instructs.
Perhaps we are lacking in confidence as we follow Christ to provide, protect and to build us up in His body, the church. It may have been reasonable to follow guidelines put forth by the state to not meet for a few weeks in order to understand and slow the spread of COVID-19. But now many seem to have abandoned the meeting together almost completely.
In a Church vs. Colorado and Governor Federal court case recently (filed in August 2020) , local pastors Bob Enyart (Denver Bible Church) and Joey Rhoads (Community Baptist Church in Brighton), won a victory allowing these Colorado churches to “…no longer be required to wear masks or limit their numbers as required by the governor of Colorado’s COVID-19 mandates.”[1]. It is likely that Governor Polis and the state will appeal this ruling. Nevertheless, now might be the time to stand in confidence and unity with these brothers to defend the ruling and follow through in action.
Hebrews 10:19-25 instructs us to live in confidence, not fear. “Since we have confidence to enter into His body, and since we have a great high priest over the house of God…let us:
• Have confidence to draw near to God (22).
• Have confidence to hold unswervingly to the hope we profess (23).
• Have confidence to consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds (24).
• Have confidence to not give up meeting together (25).
• Have confidence to encourage one another as we see the Day approaching (25).
Let us remember how much inspiration and encouragement we receive from the Lord and one another as we meet together in our congregations as the Head of the Body, Jesus Christ, has instructed us to do.
Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”
Psalm 95:1-7, “Come let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation…For the Lord is the great King above all…for He is our God and we are the sheep of His pasture, the flock under His care.”
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[1] www.https://denver.cbslocal.com/bob-enyart-brighton-news-colorado-news-coronavirus-jared-polis-joey-rhoads-wheatridge-news