“From the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female” (Mark 10:6; Matthew 19:4, Genesis 1:27, 5:2)
These words were uncontroversial when Jesus spoke them, but today they make Him a bigot. Gender-identity activists strongly reject the age old reality of binary genders. As one explained: “This idea that the body is either male or female is totally wrong. And I am living proof of that.”[1]
This claim is from a recent video produced by Teen Vouge (an online magazine with a readership of nearly 8 million[2]) called “5 Common Misconceptions About Sex and Gender.” Another in that video announced that biological sex is “bullsh*t,”[3] and yet another declared:
“When I say 'I'm a woman,' I don't just mean that I identify as a woman. I mean that my biology is the biology of a woman, regardless of whether or not doctors agree.”[4]
Sadly, this radical gender ideology is not confined just to the secular fringes. Noted pastor Dennis W. Wiley recently stood before Congress and testified that in his church: “Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and ‘queer’ persons are…not tolerated but celebrated…not denigrated but elevated, and not discouraged but encouraged to be their true selves.”[5]
A growing number of pastors openly espouse beliefs and encourage behaviors opposite to what the Bible teaches. They believe Jesus was wrong when He said, “God made them male and female.” These Christian leaders instead declare, “God made them LGBTQ.”
To hold such beliefs requires a rejection not only of the Scriptures but also natural law, biology, anatomy, genetics, and many branches of science. The hard sciences all agree there are only two options when it comes to sex/genders: XX or XY (the scientific genetic code indicating whether one is male or female).
Nevertheless, there is a growing body of progressive academics, sociologists, psychologists, and politicians (along with many Gen Z-ers and younger Millennials) who are “science deniers” on this issue. They make their own personal beliefs the standard for what is and is not true.
They criticize Christians who agree with the Bible on this subject, complaining that the Bible should not be used in matters of “science.” But this argument is not original—or new.
Nineteenth century scientist Matthew Maury (known as the Father of Oceanography, and the Father of Naval Meteorology) heard similar claims in his day: “The Bible, they say, [is]…of no authority in matters of science. I beg pardon! The Bible is authority for everything it touches…[W]hen your men of science, with vain and hasty conceit, announce the discovery of disagreement between them [that is, between the Bible and science], rely upon it: the fault is not with the Witness [God] or His records [the Scriptures], but with the “worm” [sinful human] who essays [attempts] to interpret evidence which he does not understand.”[6]
God’s Word always stands the test of time against the pseudo-science that routinely claims it is wrong. The Bible will eventually be proven correct on this issue as well, and it will turn out that there are indeed only two genders: male and female, just as God announced when He originally created mankind.
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[1] Dave Urbanksi, “Teen Vogue video on sex and gender: 'This idea that the body is either male or female is totally wrong,'” The Blaze (April 1, 2019), here
[2] Chantal Fernandez, “Teen Vogue Digital Editorial Director Philip Picardi to Also Oversee Allure Digital,” Business of Fashion (March 3, 2017), here
[3] Dave Urbanksi, “Teen Vogue video on sex and gender: 'This idea that the body is either male or female is totally wrong,'” The Blaze (April 1, 2019), here
[4] Dave Urbanksi, “Teen Vogue video on sex and gender: 'This idea that the body is either male or female is totally wrong,'” The Blaze (April 1, 2019), here
[5] Dennis Wiley, “Testimony of the Rev. Dennis W. Wiley, Ph.D.,” U.S. House of Representatives
Committee on the Judiciary Hearing on the Equality Act (April 2, 2019), p. 2, here
[6] A Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury, Diana Fontaine (Maury) Corbin, editor (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1888), p. 178, “Maury’s Address at the Laying of the Corner-stone of the University of the South, on the Sewanee Mountains in East Tennessee, was delivered at the request of Bishop Otey on Nov. 30th, 1860,” here.