For too long, especially in America, Christians have not followed the example of Christ in praying for those “still in the world.” When Jesus was preparing to leave this earth He took time to pray for His brothers and sisters that would remain on this earth in His absence. He leaves us a prime sample, example and template for us to follow in praying for one another. The need is so great that the task, the responsibility is given to every born-again believer in Jesus Christ to spread the Gospel message. None can assume that it is up to others. Let us commit to Jesus Christ to pray for one another in that same way that He has prayed for us in John 17.
Sometimes we may find ourselves praying for individuals that we know very well, of whose needs we are aware. Other times we simply pray in general, lifting up believers in tribes and nations, both local and world-wide. When you hear of something happening, pray. It may be a natural disaster that is being faced. It may be a revival as the Spirit moves. It may be persecution against God’s people. Whatever it is that catches your attention, assume it is the Holy Spirit speaking to you and pray for your brothers and sisters as Jesus prayed for us.
“Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name.” -John 17:11a There is no other name on earth that wields the power to bring down Satan’s strong holds wherever and whenever God sends in His people. “So they may be one as we are one.” -John 17:11b May we set aside our differences in order to focus on the Gospel message through Jesus Christ. There is power in the blood, the blood of Jesus that is the thread that draws us all together under our Head – Jesus. “So they may have the full measure of joy within them.” -John 17:13
We are encouraged to remember that the “…joy of the Lord is your strength.” -Nehemiah 8:10b When we are filled with His holy joy, our strength is increased so we may withstand and be victorious in the battles. Again Jesus prayed that we would be, “protected from the evil one.” -John 17:15 Jesus had our safety in His concerns as we would be going forth in the world. Pray for safety as the Spirit moves us into this lost world so full of evil. “Sanctify them by the truth; Your Word is truth.” -John 17:17 When in the throes of battle it may be very difficult to remain pure and holy. It has been said that “Justice is truth in action.” [1] God’s people need to be well versed in the Bible in order to remain in the truth. Pray for their studies, memorizing and understanding of His Holy Word. “I pray for those who will believe in me through their message.” -John 17:20 In other words, pray that they are effective in planting, watering and harvesting the seed of the Gospel so that each may be brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” -Ephesians 6:4
Jesus ends this prayer for the saints with a powerful one-two weapon to be bestowed on each child of God. “May they (old and new believers) be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” -John 17:23 “Will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them.” -John 17:26
“They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love.”[2]
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