Surprise! Your Sex Matters…
The Prophet Isaiah recognized that every one of us was individually created by God:
“Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay; You are the potter; we are all the work of Your hand” (Isaiah 64:8).
Yet despite the fact that God made us all, have you noticed that men and women are not the same?—that God created us differently? This used to be a self-evident truth, but today it is a truth ignored by many. For example, a recently proposed Nebraska law would allow a gender-neutral designation on one’s driver’s licenses, thus making state-issued recognitions useless for determining someone’s sex.[i] This denial of reality is becoming widespread, as Arkansas, Oregon, Minnesota, Maine, Utah, Colorado, California, Indiana, Nevada, and Vermont have also considered or enacted similar laws—a disturbing national trend.[ii]
The LGBTQ movement’s refusal to acknowledge biological science is not just a rejection of science but it also can be highly dangerous. Men’s and women’s bodies truly are different—that’s not just hyperbole. They do not react the same to surgery or medication, regardless of what someone’s driver’s license might proclaim.
For example, the manufacturers behind the sleeping pill Ambien were rocked with scandal after it was revealed that the suggested dosages did not account for the lower metabolic rate of women, who were failing to fully metabolize the medication before getting up in the morning. The result was erratic behavior and dangerous car crashes the morning after women had taken the drug.[iii] The fact that the drug reacts to actual physical biology rather than the declared gender on the license affirms the obvious biological fact that men and women are not the same.
Knowing one’s actual gender can have other medical implications as well. In one case, a biological male updated the gender listed on his medical records to “female” and was soon receiving fliers for cervical screenings—screenings for an anatomy he did not have.[iv] While this example is somewhat innocuous, in the case of a car accident or another trauma-related event, someone relying on a trans-individual’s driver’s license can actually delay determining proper treatment when seconds might count to save their life.
To accept the notion of an arbitrary and superficial reclassification of one’s gender is to deny objective biological and scientific reality. Even some liberal feminists have begun to recognize and oppose the ridiculousness of this current counter-cultural movement. They are attempting to preserve designated spaces for biological women in order to reduce the risk of sexual assault![v]
Differences between men and women do matter, and we should never forget that it is God Who assigned us those differences. Christians should therefore heed the Bible’s warning:
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ. (Colossians 2:8)
Public policy should never be changed to accommodate “hollow and deceptive philosophy.”
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[i] JoAnne Young, “Could an 'X' mark gender-neutral designation on Nebraska driver's licenses?,” Lincoln Journal-Star (January 29, 2020), https://journalstar.com/legislature/could-an-x-mark-gender-neutral-designation-on-nebraska-driver/article_65e2e470-316b-5fd9-a3b3-1b14f732de0e.html [ii]Kristin Lam, “More than 7,000 Americans have gender X IDs, a victory for transgender rights. Is it a safety risk, too?,” USAToday (August 8, 2019), https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/08/08/nonbinary-gender-ids-momentum-intersex-state-driver-licenses/1802059001/ [iii]Kai Falkenburg, “FDA Takes Action on Ambien; Concedes Women at Greater Risk,” Forbes (January 10, 2013) https://www.forbes.com/sites/kaifalkenberg/2013/01/10/fda-takes-action-on-ambien-concedes-women-at-greater-risk/#37503d44683e [iv]Nicola Davis, “'Are you a man or a woman?': trans people on GP care,” The Guardian (February 26, 2019), https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/feb/26/trans-man-woman-gp-care-healthcare [v]Lorna Finlayson, Katharine Jenkins and Rosie Worsdale, “’I’m not transphobic, but…’: A feminist case against the feminist case against trans inclusivity,” Verso (October 17, 2018), https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/4090-i-m-not-transphobic-but-a-feminist-case-against-the-feminist-case-against-trans-inclusivity
Sports is another place that this distinction matters. All the years that women have fought for their right to have their own sports teams has started going by the wayside as more men who identify as women are insisting equality and joining the women sports teams. There is currently a lawsuit in Connecticut concerning this problem. https://time.com/5783128/transgender-high-school-runners-lawsuit-connecticut/