Is there room for the womb in 2020-2021? One of the most complex and heart rendering decisions for couples during the Covid-19 Pandemic is whether to start a family or increase their family. "When the public health crisis first took hold, some people playfully speculated that there would be a spike in births in nine months, as people were “stuck home” with their romantic partners." However, current analysis predicts otherwise. "The COVID-19 episode will likely lead to a large, lasting baby bust. The pandemic has thrust the country into an economic recession. Economic reasoning and past evidence suggest that this will lead people to have fewer children."[1]
Multiple reasons are cited for couples deferring pregnancy during this global pandemic. Safety for mother and child; economic insecurity; hospital availability and visitor restrictions and emotional stress are among the most prevalent.
Two sides of the coin are presented as far as safety; risk being pregnant during Covid exposure; risk delaying pregnancy with the possibility of one or both parents having secondary medical issues after getting Covid. "Even before the pandemic, we've advised women to talk with their doctor before becoming pregnant. Underlying health conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, can increase your risk for complications. Some of these issues also increase the risk of poor outcomes with COVID-19.”[2] With this caution in mind, we also find there is no increased risk of acquiring the virus while pregnant. "Pregnant women appear to be at no higher risk of contracting coronavirus, says Vanessa Poliquin, an obstetrician and reproductive diseases specialist at University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. And if they do get COVID-19, she says they have no increased likelihood of bad outcomes, such as needing to be hospitalized or ventilated, compared with their non-pregnant counterparts of the same age."
Is there room for the womb in 2020? Some questions have been posed to by Caitlin Beukema, a clinical social worker and psychotherapist in Toronto as to judging the right time to start or increase a family:
*How important is the timing for you?
*Would you be altering your ideal birth plan if you go ahead?
*What supports can you lean on, at least virtually, and would that be enough?
*Has your financial situation changed?[3]
Betsy Childs Howard is pregnant. She lives in New York City. Her expectations of pregnancy have drastically altered. She reports changes in hospital routines including the prescribed pre-birth tour and birthing classes being canceled. Early on there was a possibility her husband could not attend the birth. Family members will not fly in after the birth to celebrate and help.[4]
Her coping tips include:
1. Pray Through Your Fears with Others-cast your cares on the Lord (Psalm 55:22)
2. Trust Your Providers and Pray for them
3. Don't Spend All Day on the Internet
4. Commit your Child to God-Romans 8 "for those who love God all things work together for good" and that "neither death nor life...nor anything else in all creation, will be able t separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (vv.28,38-39)
Christians support your friends and family who are making decisions regarding pregnancy during this challenging time by praying, offering virtual support, and loving them. The most beautiful and happy months in a marriage are the months of pregnancy.
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[1] https://www.brookings.edu/research/half-a-million-fewer-children-the-coming-covid-baby-bust [2] https://utswmed.org/medblog/safe-pregnancy-covid19 [3] https://www.todaysparent.com/getting-pregnant/trying-to-conceive/is-getting-pregnant-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak-a-bad-idea/ [4] https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/pregnant-in-pandemic