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Foundations of Truth

The Relativity of Morality

Updated: Jan 2, 2020

In a recent podcast, Biblical worldview speakers John Stonestreet and Roberto Rivera analyzed shifting social views, noting that while things like same-sex marriage and transgenderism were unthinkable thirty years ago, today they are widely accepted.[1]

They ascribe this change to a loss of moral consensus within the United States, and Americans agree. In a recent poll, almost half say that our moral values are poor,[2] mainly because most now believe that truth is relative, being individually determined for specific situations.[3] Two in three Americans (including Christians) now believe there is no absolute moral truth—a belief also held by seven in ten Millennials.[4] It is clear we have lost a uniform moral belief system.

Given this trajectory, Stonestreet and Rivera suggest that over the next few years, Americans may accept many formerly abhorrent behaviors, including things such as polyamory. [5] (Polyamory is having multiple open sexual relationships at the same—that is, having lots of sex without any boundaries or commitment.) Although this may seem far-fetched to many, it is not. In fact, Glamour Magazine (whose primary audience is Millennials, Gen Z-ers, and younger adolescents) openly encourages polyamory.[6]

The primary opposition to non-monogamy has been religiously based, but with religious belief on the decline it’s not surprising that most non-religious people already accept polyamory.[7] As this morally-disconnected segment of the population continues to grow, the number of people who accept this once-abhorrent behavior will likely grow as well. In fact, “polyamory” was recently the fourth-most searched relationship term on Google.[8]

In another example of moral truth’s breakdown, people are now researching the ethics of pedophilia (that is, adults engaging in sex with pre-teen children—children under the age of twelve). Some “research” claims that young prepubescent children are traumatized by the sexual molestation of adults only because of the cultural stigma against the behavior rather than because of the actual sexual activity itself. Fortunately, some ethicists are still willing to argue against this insanity, pointing to the inescapable effect of trauma and the problem of consent.[9]

A secular society without natural norms surrounding romantic and sexual relationships is one that will experience unnecessary and deep-rooted mental, psychological, and spiritual conflict. Such sexual behaviors are morally reprehensible from Christian viewpoint. As the Bible warns:

Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. (Romans 6:13)

America has been thoroughly exposed to evangelical truth, but we are now rejecting our centuries old moral foundation. The Bible describes the results:

For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. (Romans 1:22)

This does not bode well for the moral fabric of our nation and its future. Christians must become reacquainted with Biblical morality and then find their backbone to stand up and speak out on these issues.

Foundations of Truth hereby waives all claim of copyright (economic and moral) in this work and immediately places it in the public domain; it may be used, published, edited, and distributed in any manner whatsoever without any attribution or notice to Foundations of Truth.


[1] John Stonestreet & Roberto Rivera, “BreakPoint: How Unthinkable Became Unquestionable New Study on the Collapse of Moral Consensus,” BreakPoint (August 28, 2019),

[2] Justin McCarthy, “About Half of Americans Say U.S. Moral Values Are 'Poor',” Gallup (June 1, 2018),

[3] “Americans Are Most Likely to Base Truth on Feelings,” Barna Research (February 12, 2002),

[4] “The End of Absolutes: America’ New Moral Code,” Barna Group (May 25

[5] John Stonestreet & Roberto Rivera, “BreakPoint: How Unthinkable Became Unquestionable New Study on the Collapse of Moral Consensus,” BreakPoint (August 28, 2019),

[6] Tara Struyk, “7 Polyamory Myths It’s Time to Start Believing,” Glamour (February 1, 2018),

[7] Brian Pellot, “Most non-religious Americans condone polyamory, new survey finds,” Religion News Service (August 14, 2015),

[8] Charyn Pfeuffer, “Polyarmory Was the 4th Most Search Relationship Term on Google in 2017 – Here’s Why,” Kinkly (January 4, 2018),

[9] Ole Martin Moen, “The ethics of pedophilia,” Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics (2015),

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